Let’s look at the bright side for a moment: It’s a great time to do a really hard crossword puzzle.
And Incline reader Emma Oxford is here to help. Emma is a cruciverbalist (definition: A person who makes or solves crossword puzzles) who made a Pittsburgh-themed crossword puzzle just for you.
Fair warning: It’s tough.
Try your hand at this puzzle (download the pdf here), print it out, and check your answers at the pdf here.
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Or if you don’t have a printer and are feeling tech savvy, download this file, and use AcrossLite for a free and easy way to solve it on your computer.
If you’re really into crossword puzzles, try your hand at Emma’s physics-themed puzzle here. Check out her first Pittsburgh crossword puzzle if you haven’t yet.
And if you wanna talk more about crossword puzzles, contact Emma here.
Source: Stay home and try your hand at this Pittsburgh crossword puzzle – The Incline