A group of South Side business owners used their time in front of state legislators Wednesday to lambaste previous efforts to curb violence and draw more daytime crowds to the neighborhood, saying the efforts are moot until leaders “let police do their jobs.”
“No matter what kind of marketing plan you guys want to do, it will not work if there are shootings and violence on the South Side,” said Rich Cupka, owner of South Side’s Cupka’s Café, Cupka’s II, and Cup Ka Joe.
The House Democratic Policy Committee heard from South Side business owners, community organizations and public safety officials during a two-hour policy hearing Wednesday at the American Serbian Club.
Mr. Cupka said dozens of meetings over recent years with South Side business owners, residents, and local politicians have resulted in little help for the neighborhood, specifically the entertainment district that is East Carson Street.
Source: South Side bar owners tell House panel they are suffering from crime