President Trump will make his first visit to western Pennsylvania since late last year.
So far this year, President Trump has made stops in the eastern part of the state to speak at public events.
As of Thursday morning, details about the president’s visit are scarce.
Location is Arnold Palmer Airport. Doors open at 4 PM and Trump begins at 7 PM
However, this is President Trump’s first visit to western Pennsylvania since late last year when he spoke at a conference in Pittsburgh.
President Trump supporters tell us they’ve been to more than a dozen of his rallies.
“I’m not kidding, I truly believe that Donald Trump was sent by God. True. He’s not perfect, he’s a sinner. But if you read the Bible, so was Moses, so was David, so was everybody,” said Edward X Young, a President Donald Trump supporter.
“I think this is my 28th rally. So I do support him. And I usually try to be in the front row, so yeah I love him,” said Rick Frazier, another President Donald Trump supporter.
Pennsylvania is a battleground state in the 2020 election.
RELATED: Joe Biden’s Lead Over President Trump Shrinks To 4-Points In Latest Pennsylvania Poll
Source: President Donald Trump Holding Rally In Latrobe On Thursday Night