Patrick praises Trump, rails against Biden and Dems at CPAC | Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick decried the Biden administration for failing to protect the Texas-Mexico border as he stressed support for former President Donald Trump during a speech at CPAC in Dallas on Friday.

During the speech, Patrick accused Biden of wanting to destroy the country’s borders and celebrating “violence in our streets.” He said Biden and Democrats don’t respect the Constitution.

“What’s happening on the border today is not an accident,” Patrick said to a crowd gathered in a Hilton ballroom. “It’s purposeful. It’s a designed plan. Why are they letting millions of people pour across this border? Because they want to turn them into citizens. Turn them into voters, and take over this country.”

Source: Patrick praises Trump, rails against Biden and Dems at CPAC | Fort Worth Star-Telegram

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