(CNN)Enjoy your extra hour of sleep this weekend, but don’t forget to turn back your clocks when you rise and shine Sunday morning.
Daylight Saving Time is ending this Sunday, November 7, at 2 a.m.Most digital clocks and electronics automatically change the time, but some clocks may need to be manually rewound.Not all states practice Daylight Saving Time, though. Residents of Hawaii and most of Arizona, along with the US territories of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Virgin Islands and Guam, don’t touch their clocks.Most people welcome an extra hour of shut-eye, but the change can be problematic for young children, said Michelle Drerup, director of behavioral sleep medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Sleep Disorders Center in Ohio.
It can be tempting to stay up later because you have an extra hour, but Drerup advised against it.
“Since our society is generally sleep deprived as a whole, it is recommended for most people to keep their bedtime consistent and to sleep until (their) typical wake up time if possible and enjoy the additional hour of sleep,” she said via email.
If you begin to feel sleepy during the day, Drerup suggested a 15- to 20-minute nap in the early afternoon to limit the sleep disruption.
Source: Daylight Saving Time 2021: How to prepare and what to know – CNN