Greg Gutfeld: Our government created an artificial danger to keep us divided

Greg Gutfeld asks why the Jan. 6 protesters are receiving harsh sentences while other violent rioters are walking free.

While crime spreads like a virus on a plane full of Democrats, at least we know true justice is being done.

A Florida man has been sentenced to eight months in jail for breaching the Senate chamber on Jan. 6 carrying a Trump flag. The only surprise: he didn’t get life without parole.

Now, we’re not liberals. We get it. You do the crime, you do the time.

We got that from Baretta, for anyone who’s reading who’s younger than 75.

But, you can still question the penalty. And, you know, if you were BLM, you would be a-ok. But it’s obvious that they overdid the sentencing. In fact, they even admit it.

As one assistant U.S. attorney said, “it will send a loud and clear message” so there won’t be a next time.

But you have to worry when you become a message because then you’re screwed. It’s a threat, like finding a horses’ head in your bed, or a book signed by Andrew Cuomo.

Sentencing should only be for the crime, and not for a greater message, especially a message so manufactured.

Source: Greg Gutfeld: Our government created an artificial danger to keep us divided

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