Racist BABIES? Researcher reveals Arizona ‘equity’ toolkit that teaches ‘white fragility’ and other woke propaganda — RT USA News

Arizona is recommending teachers promote ‘equity’ and social justice through an ‘antiracist’ agenda that sees racism in toddlers and recommends progressive and Black Lives Matter materials as the cure.

An ‘equity and diversity’ toolkit for teachers, parents, and administrators posted by the Arizona Department of Education fully embraces the belief in “persistent racial biases in our society,” going so far as to demand of parents that they instill “antiracist attitudes and actions” from birth so their children don’t “absorb bias” from the world.

Researcher Chris Rufo posted a series of screenshots of the materials from the toolkit on Tuesday. He points out that some of the materials claim that babies show the first signs of racism at three months old, or that white children “remain strongly biased in favor of whiteness” by age five.

Source: Racist BABIES? Researcher reveals Arizona ‘equity’ toolkit that teaches ‘white fragility’ and other woke propaganda — RT USA News

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