If you’re a coffee lover, you already know that drinking a fourth or fifth cup of coffee can leave you feeling jittery, restless, and wildly alert. But did you also know that doing so routinely over time can promote prolonged feelings of acute nervousness and anxiety? Or that you could partially lose control of your muscles? Or that it’s possible you’ll lose control over your ability to urinate? These are all very real side effects of drinking more than four cups of coffee (or 400 mg of caffeine, which you shouldn’t exceed if you’re following the recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines) per day, according to the health specialists at the Mayo Clinic. For all of the side effects of drinking too much coffee cited by the Mayo Clinic, read on, because we’ve listed them right here. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, know that it may be time to cut back on caffeine. And, to keep your health on track this year, make sure you avoid these 108 Most Popular Sodas Ranked By How Toxic They Are.
Source: Ugly Side Effects of Drinking Coffee Every Day, According to the Mayo Clinic | Eat This Not That