Hundreds of schools closed as teachers rally in Oklahoma, Kentucky


Hundreds of schools were closed Monday morning in Oklahoma and Kentucky while thousands of teachers rallied at their state capitols, CBS News correspondent Omar Villafranca reports. They’re demanding higher pay and increased school funding.

Art teacher Laurissa Kovacs says her kids aren’t even getting the basics at Puterbaugh Middle School.

“The chairs are in awful condition,” Kovacs told Villafranca. “They’re broken and they literally hurt the kids to sit down. If you look through the stacks, you can just see how many of the broken areas and cracks that will pinch you and jagged tops.”

Kovacs says she’s had to bring in folding chairs from home to give her students a proper place to sit. She can’t take the frustration any longer.

Source: Hundreds of schools closed as teachers rally in Oklahoma, Kentucky

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